Saturday, March 31, 2012

How i decided on the name: artmanlikepicasso

Well that energetic wild man Picasso was very innovative and he was such a great example of child like quest and search for new ways to challenge himself as an artist. Pablo Picasso was so shocked when he saw African Art. It really moved him! It was so strange and seems to have been created to really do something to the human psychic. Like maybe get into the subconscious and turn it inside out. Like getting into dreams while wide awake. Ugliness became a haunting unforgettable beauty like ones first taste of black coffee. It shocks and awakens one, puts one on edge. African Art made Picasso see in new ways. There is an energy there a spirit there in the forms of African Art. Well the Art of Africa is in my blood as well as Native American Art and European Art. It's exciting! When Picasso's Dealer first showed his strange new Cubist work, people were outraged. Why they wanted to attack Picasso and beat him up! However now his works are very valuable. Many of Picasso's art works are now nearly  priceless. Some of Picasso's art works sale for over one hundred million! He was very prolific and worked in many mediums, He loved to draw and paint, sculpt and print plus clown around and he loved life! He went back and fourth in his style of creating. He always was full of new turns in his work. I like to work like that!. I created my own paper from cooked pineapple tops, banana, iris,day lily, sugar cane, and many other plants. It  works well and I bet Picasso would have enjoyed and loved working on my paper. It is just pure plant fiber no glue. The natural fibers bond and make a very hard strong smooth paper.  It's amazing to have the very good paper which is part of the twenty first Century.  Making paper like this does not hurt or harm the plant and it does not pollute nature. It's clean pure, some of the very best paper. Go to my website and click on the paper icon.  You will see many samples of the paper and some of my students.  Well this is part of the story how I got the name: artmanlikepicasso   All my best and more to come  Leroy Parker